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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: phoenixfire on 05 Nov 2010 06:55:40 PM

Title: Looping in Report Studio
Post by: phoenixfire on 05 Nov 2010 06:55:40 PM
Is it possible to write loops in report studio?
ID            Type                 Info
0001         AAA                  XYZ
0001         BBB                  WXY
0001         BBB                  VWX
0001         CCC                  ABC
0002         GGG                  UVW
0002         HHH                  TUV

I need to be able to display XYZ,WXY,VWX,ABC for ID 0001.
For ID 0002, it should be UVW,TUV and so on for all IDs.
Is there anyway for me to do this in Report Studio? Basically, I need to create  a comma separated value column that shows the 'Info' column values separated by a comma for each ID.

Thank you very much in advance.
Title: Re: Looping in Report Studio
Post by: Gopinath on 08 Nov 2010 04:47:11 AM
Please refer,4748.msg16642.html#msg16642
Title: Re: Looping in Report Studio
Post by: phoenixfire on 09 Nov 2010 06:33:00 PM
Thank you but the technique described in the article works only for display purposes. I need to create a comma separated value so I can use it in a filter.
Any ideas?