I have the following problem: I have a report that uses a budget amount whose default aggregate is total. The budget amount applies to a project. But whenever I add the project contracts to the report, the amount gets added once for every contract, giving a much higher total than should be. I can circumvent this problem by specifying total(maximum(budget amount for project)). Problem is that I now need to add a year to the report. Most projects span two years and have different amounts for each year. If I use the above calculation, I only get a total that considers the year with the maximum amount for each project.
How would I go about getting the total of the maximum of each year of a project. I cannot do "for year" since the years are the same for each projects.
Basically, I want the budget amount to not get added for each of the contracts attached to that project.
I am not sure I understand your question - do you need to total the maximum amount of each project per year?
If so user 'for concatenated value of year and project no/id'