I've built a very simple list grouped by the first column, showing some subtotals for measures in later columns.
When there is only one line for the grouped column, the subtotal line essential duplicates the line of detail above. This is standard functionality but it does muddy the report somewhat.
Is there any way to suppress the detail row when there is only one detail row and so only have a subtotal line?
I went down the style variable route and tried using count([Grouped Column] for [Detail Column]) < 2 and wanted to suppress any boolean TRUE outputs but got nowhere...
Thanks very much for any advice
This looks like a good approach to me, but your expression looks to be the wrong way round - I'd suggest you try count([Detail Column] for [Grouped Column]) < 2
If this doesn't work, add this expression as a new (temporary) column to your list report to see what values it is returning, and base the conditional expression on this column. Cut the column from the list once done, and then add it to the list's 'Properties' property - this may give you more success.