Any help is appreciated.
In the main URL:
I receive and error:
(errorNoAppIdAndAppSelectionListDisabled) An application identifier (appId) must be provided as a parameter in the URL
But I can navigate to:
And it will load Contributor without errors.
What builds the list in http://testserver/cognos/contributor/planning02.asp?
What rights am I missing?
I am trying to get this new environment to match my existing to test upgrade to 8.4 - we are running 7.3.
Hi Matt,
Might want to bring this one over to the Planning forum, if you know how - I'm still finding my feet, maybe a mod can help us out?
It looks like you have the PAD-level config setting for 'application selection list' disabled. I _think_ in 7.3 you can update this by going to http://testserver/cognos/contributor/planning44.asp, if not try just going to http://testserver/cognos/contributor/ and seeing where it redirects you.
If you're trying to mirror your existing one any documentation from the initial installation could be very helpful.
Good luck - it's a big upgrade, but 8.4 (FP2!) is a solid release to go to.
Thank you for your response. I thought I should put the fix out here.
You need to find the epWebsiteConfiguration.xml, delete it and then go back to the Contributor site and put in the new credentials to recreate it.
Pretty easy fix.