Quote from: Amritha on 01 Nov 2010 05:07:19 PM
Hi Folks,
Can anyone share the best practices for Cloninng the Prod Vs QA environment.
QA environment should be exactly same as Production Environment, data and structure wise.
PAD is different for both the environments. Is it possible to restore the Prod database to QA? Any impact on the GUId's present in the QA database? Because Prod and QA will have separate GUID's.
Please share your suggestions and Ideas.
Thanks in Advance.
Hello Amritha,
I would not recommend copying the QA Database and overwriting the PROD DB. This can result in very bad things..
I would expect you are on at least version 8.3 or above, if so you should use the deployment wizard for Planning. You can take all of your information such as Applications/Macros/Admin Links. If you have the same namespace between your PROD and QA environments it is a breeze. You can export model/data from PROD and Import this into QA.
In regards to your Content Store information, you can also deploy with in Cognos Connection.
Administer IBM Cognos Content > Configuration (Tab) > Select Content Administration from the left hand side > Select the "New Export" button on the top right hand side of the screen. You can also take all of your security if you would like. :)
This creates a zip in the deployment folder. Copy that into your QA env and then same spot in Cognos Connection, however you run an import this time.
The below link is for Analyst migration:
Thanks a lot for sharing your experience and information.
Have a great day!