I've 80% done with my report. But i got stuck up with my prompt selection.
My requirement is if i select the prompt(mmm/yyyy), so that i could get (selected month -12) in my cross tab. Ex: if i select Oct2009 in my value prompt, cross should show Oct 2008 to Oct 2009.
I know how to do it Relational Model, but i'm buidling the reports using Dimensional Model.
Please give me suggetion, how to implement it?
Anyone is there to answer my query?
Its really appreciated.
From the dreaded On-Line help:
lastPeriods ( integer_exp , member )
Returns the set of members from the same level that ends with the specified member. The number of members returned is the absolute value of "integer_exp". If "integer_exp" is negative, members following and including the specified member are returned. Typically used with a time dimension.
Thanks for the reply.
When i use it, it shows an error "Invalid coercion from 'hierarchy' to 'member'".
Please give suggestions.
any more suggestions...
Quote from: deepak2k2 on 29 Oct 2010 11:08:39 AM
Thanks for the reply.
When i use it, it shows an error "Invalid coercion from 'hierarchy' to 'member'".
Please give suggestions.
I'd suggest you are seeing this error because you have used a Hierarchy in your expression rather than a member from a level.
Can you share with us the exact expression you used?