I am new to Cognos. I'm using Transformer. I kinda wanted some advice on best practices through the steps of building a cube.
1. Import data sources (Dimensions first, then Facts)
2. Create Dimensions using the Dimension Map
3. Insert any calculated Measures.
4. Check Scope and Columns for the data sources.
5. Add measures. Check Scope for measures. (What does the green color mean?)
6. Check Model
7. Create the powercube...? How do I get values to show in the show diagram? Is there a view for testing the cube...where is that?
Thanks for any help or suggestions.
from cognos 8.4 We can develop a cube using IQD's, Packages ,reports or text source file.
If it is a text source file then no need to worry.....client or user ll provide the perfect information with that they ll provide a excel sheet also .
1)open your transformer.
2)in the datasources tab.....select your transformer name rightclick properties add your browse your txt source file.
3) then as per your excel sheet place your dimensions,measures.
4) after that click on generate categories.
5)open categories window, as per your excel sheet manually drag it and create new categories.
6)save it and from powercubes window create selected powercube and save it with .mdc
7)double click on that .,mdc file and start creating the reprots
if you are using IQD's in fm convert to externalize method.
like wise it a lenghty topic but very interest8ing & very easy
pls go through the material