Weekly No
Previous Year Current Year Difference
Organization.Organization Call Count X X X
Call Cost X X X
This is the Crosstab Report Layout. I have a Prompt page with date prompt. When I select date for exp 15 Oct 2010.
The output should be as below.
2009 2010 Dif Organization.Organization Call Count 15 10 5
Call Cost 1500 1000 500
When I am working on this report I am getting Same values for 2009 and 2010.Can you please suggest any approach.
Organization is a Dimension here.
Call Count and Call Cost are facts. Week No is in Date dimension.
Note:- the column headers should chage dynamically a per the date Prompt.
i.e. if the date prompt value selected is Oct 15 2009 then the output should be....
2008 2009 Dif Organization.Organization Call Count 15 10 5
Call Cost 1500 1000 500
Can any one suggest this scienerio...
Sounds to me like you are aggregating within the measures' expressions. Try removing the aggregate functions from the expressions and set them on the Data Item properties.
hi ,
thanks for the reply.Is there any way to get the column headers dynamically if I select oct 15 2010 then
Week No should be 42
Previous Year 2009
Current Year 2010
for this report..
Quote from: srinu1253 on 22 Oct 2010 03:38:35 AM
hi ,
thanks for the reply.Is there any way to get the column headers dynamically if I select oct 15 2010 then
Week No should be 42
Previous Year 2009
Current Year 2010
for this report..
For the above evaluation we have lot of options to display column headers dynamically using business/date functions .
for current year: extract ([date dimension],year)
for previous year:_add_years(extract(date dimension),year),-1)
Week No: _week_of_year([date dimension])
Hi Srinivas,
I am using Cube as a source for the packege.I am finding it difficult for displaying Years & Weekno dynamically and data needs to be changed dynamically as there is only one date prompt can you suggest any approach and do we need to use any MDX functions here?
Quote from: srinu1253 on 21 Oct 2010 06:11:11 AM
Weekly No
Previous Year Current Year Difference
Organization.Organization Call Count X X X
Call Cost X X X
This is the Crosstab Report Layout. I have a Prompt page with date prompt. When I select date for exp 15 Oct 2010.
The output should be as below.
2009 2010 Dif Organization.Organization Call Count 15 10 5
Call Cost 1500 1000 500
When I am working on this report I am getting Same values for 2009 and 2010.Can you please suggest any approach.
Organization is a Dimension here.
Call Count and Call Cost are facts. Week No is in Date dimension.
Note:- the column headers should chage dynamically a per the date Prompt.
i.e. if the date prompt value selected is Oct 15 2009 then the output should be....
2008 2009 Dif Organization.Organization Call Count 15 10 5
Call Cost 1500 1000 500
Can any one suggest this scienerio...
you absolutely need to use "MDX' functions since you are using a Cube!!
Ancestor([your selected date member],[Year level]) ...will get you your selection's current year
...and something like:
lag(Ancestor([your selected date member],[Year level]),-1) would give you the prior year value.
Using these functions can take some trial and error to get right... just work with them and your comfort in using them will set in.