I have noticed that if I define a determinant on a data source query subject (not unique, group by) then I see SQL with XMIN() even though I defined the aggregation rule as SUM().
This is in Cognos 8.3.
Am I missing something?
- Alp
The aggregation rule?
Do you mean Cognos generates xmin against the fact instead of sum?
I had datasource query subject:
K1 (identifier)
K2 (identifier)
K3 (identifier)
P1 (fact) - aggregation rule SUM()
I defined determinant as K1+K2 group by no unique.
I joined the query subject to another one query subject on K1 and K2. test in RS showed me XMIN(P1).
May be I was doing something wrong, too much modeling work last two days :-(
I did some workaround, so it is of theoretical curiosity for now.
Thanks for reply,
Why add this determinant to a pure fact?
Quote from: blom0344 on 12 Oct 2010 04:06:26 AM
Why add this determinant to a pure fact?
I was playing around with determinant to get the SUM() working for the join to the fact table on a partial key.
I removed it later.
- Alp