Our users would like to see the report description as a column in the navigator portlet? Right now it only displaying Checkbox, Icon, Report name, Modified, Actions.
hi folks,
i've been wondering how to do this myself, or even taking this one step further and
allowing URL links from description to be usable in the navigator.
was hoping to use this as a report/cube/model documentation function
easier, and cleaner than having separate links for documentation for each of the components. :/
so far, i have found nothing of the sort.
Select "Navigator details" in the view section of the portlet properties and check the box for "Additional Information" in normal mode in the features to expose section.
Not sure about URL links in the description since they just render whatever is put in there as text. I like the general idea though...
I may be looking into Business Glossary and how it integrates with Cognos on behalf of a client but don't know enough about it now