What Version Control Solution would you recommend for Cognos? This would be used for Framework Models, Reports, Metric Studio etc.......
While Version Control Software is natively supported in the file-based FrameworkManager-Models (Cognos supports here CVS and VSS), things like report definitions and metrics are stored in the Cognos-Content Store, what makes a Version Controll more difficult. One option is to copy report definitions from the report studio to xml-files. More comfortable and integrated are 3rd-Party-Tools which do the thing. I heard about them often, but have no experience with them.
BSP Software has a product called Integrated Version Control designed to simplify and streamline the process of continuously preserving authored content in the event changes need to be audited or the information needs to be recovered. IVC's innovative approach to integrating directly within the IBM Cognos 8 interface allows the product to appear and behave as if it were part of the core IBM Cognos 8 product suite. IVC's version control process is intuitive and requires little or no training.
Visit http://www.bspsoftware.com/Products/ImplementationBasedSoftware/IntegratedVersionControl/tabid/65/Default.aspx (http://www.bspsoftware.com/Products/ImplementationBasedSoftware/IntegratedVersionControl/tabid/65/Default.aspx) for more information.
I have used WinCVS and Subversion. Both work fine but if multiple developers make changes to the same object, then it screws up !! As long as it is one at a time, it works fine.
Please note that CVS and VSS will be deprecated. They are not supported any more by Cognos.
I expect that there should be a replacement in the coming version Cognos 10 but I don't know exactly what and how will it be.