I'm just wondering if anyone has any comments on this sort of model.
I have a fairly standard dimensional SQL model.
A fact table and 5 dims.
But, I wanted to use a tree prompt, so I created an mdx-dim in FM and joined it to the Skey of the sql-fact table and published.
I've tested a lot of different things and it seems quite robust.
Has anyone used this style of model before, and can you warn me of any potential pitfalls.
Many Thanks.
I would probably refer to this as DMR and Relational modeling in the same package and report... but that's not important right now :)
Cognos advises against this, but I utilize it quite often, without any problems. At the end of the day, Cognos builds an SQL request. Test what SQL your report is building first with the Tree Prompt and then with a standard value prompt... I bet the two will be very similar and functionally equivalent.