Is it, in any way possible to disable drilldown-possibilities just on the bars of a stacked column chart. Drill down should be possible via the legenda or the labels on the X-axis, but not via the bars themselves...
The reason I want this is because the conditional formatting I apply in my crosstab gets it all wrong when I drill down via the bars of the chart. I use conditional formatting for missing values, and it works great, but when I drill down via the bars, the conditional formatting is applied to all my crosstabcells, and not only the ones with missing values...
thx in advance for the help,
friendly greetings,
P.s.: If i need to give a broader explanation of my problem, just ask....
Is it a single data item that u use on the x-axis? U cannot disable for the bars if its a single data item. I had more or less likely the same kind of query.
well it depends,
I have like a general view, in which all my dimensions are visible, en there I use 2 data-items on the x-axis (transportmeans and time), but in my more specific views I only have one data-item on the X-axis...
how can I disable drilldown for the view with multiple data-items on the x-axis???
thx in advance,
If you have to disable the drill through icon for a particular data item then u could probably take an HTML item and write a small script which would disable the icon.