I have a drill through chart report. The x-axis is the year - mOnth 2010-07,2010 -08 etc, When i click on any of the bar it goes to another report and displays the other chart of the selected year-month. Basically i have 4 diferrent reports and one main report which drill throughs to the 2nd report and 2nd report drill thorughs to the 3rd.
I have value propmts [Year-Month] for each of the report. Now my requirement i when i select a year-month from a propmt and drill through, the same needs to be carried out to all the reports, means if i select 2010-08 from the value prompt and drill through, the selected year which is 2010-08 needs to be carried out in rest of the drill throughs which produces a report of 2010-08.
Please let me know how to achieve this.
I assume that your drill-through reports are using the Year Month values as paameters. You can pass the Year and Month from the Mail report using the option "Pass Parameter Value" in the drill-through proeprties to the child report.
Thank you for your response.
Thanks ,