If you give a user or group access to a consolidated element in TM1, does it mean that the user or group automatically also get access to all the child elements of the consolidated item?
For example if we have an element x that is the sum of y and z and we give user A write access to element x, does it mean he will also get write access to y and z?
Regarding element security TM1 doesn't behave differently for different types of elements - elements are just elements. If you set read access for a certain consolidated element and none access to the child elements of this consolidated element, a user in the related security group will see the consolidated element, but not it's children (so clicking the plus sign in front of the element does not open up the hierarchy).
To elaborate a little further on what Michel said the answer is basically "no" by default functionality but you can set up element security with rules to achieve the result of children and descendants automatically inheriting security from an ancestor using an ELISANC test if this happens to be desired functionality. This is actually a pretty common requirement.
However the fact that you can explicitly define element security independently of hierarchy relationships is actually a pretty nice feature. This could be used to apply WRITE access to children but only READ to a parent (which would have the effect of prohibiting spreading). Or another more useful scenario would be granting cost centre managers write access to their cost centre, none access to other leaf cost centres and read access to relevant higher levels. Or in a salary and wages model to allow access at cost centre level but prohibit access at employee level.
I am new to TM1 & never used Cognos Planning. Having said that I am right now working on a project to migrate EP models to TM1. I want to implement the e-list functionality in TM1 without using TM1 contributor. I am done with the metadata modeling & also loading the data & right now creating work templates(input templates) in TM1. How can I implement the workflow that we have in EP in TM1 by not using TM1 contributor.
If you can help me with any example that will really help.
Thanks for your help in advance.