I have a bar chart report in which the X axis is the month/years and y axis are the numbers. For eg,
2010-06, 2010-07, 2010-08 etc appear in the x-axis and
y axis are the numbers - 51, 78, 90 etc.
It is a drill through report. when i keep the cursor on the line(bar) and click on the bar it drill throughs to another report.
The probelm is i see thin bars in the chart for few values and thick bars for others. when i point on thin bars i am not getting the cursor for the drill through. I get cursor only for the thick bars and can drill through.
Please provide me some inputs as to why i am not getting the cursor on thin bars and unable to drill through.
Kindly respond ASAP.
Thanks in Advance.
Further to the probelm which i mentioned, i have another query regarding drill through.
i have (year-month) "year_month" data item in x axis from 2008-06 to 2010-08 and it is a drill through report.
when i run the report and keep the cursor on any of the bar in the chart is shows an drill through icon (hand icon ) . My requirement is i do not want the drill through icon to appear on the chart from 2008-06 to 2008-02.
Can this be possible ???
Please respond.
Thanks in Advance.