I have to create a text file every day using Data Manager, this runs to a local folder on the server named "AppointmentLetters.txt".
What I would like is each day's file to be date stamped with the day it was run so we'd have:
AppointmentLetters_20100921.txt etc etc...
Currently, I would have to manually change the file names every day.
Is it possible to automate the above using DM?
Any help (even to tell me that it's impossible) would be useful.
I reckon this should be fairly straightforward - just define a variable in the build which is populated with the filename you want to save to (use the Sysdate() function to get the current date and time), then use the variable as the filename in the delivery module.
Thanks MF,
I created the Variable (called "DateStamp").
The problem I have is getting the variable into the filename. How do you do this?
In FactDeliveryProperties > ModuleProperties there is a place to write a file destination. This must be suffixed with ".txt" but how do i put the variable in the directory string?
Hope this makes sense!
Hi Stuart,
From the top:
1. Create your variable (DateStamp) in the properties of your build. Define it as a CHAR datatype and with a size (precision) of 35. Set the initial expression to be Concat('AppointmentLetters_',Left(ToChar(Sysdate()),10),'.txt')
2. Set the Output Filename of your Text File Delivery (Fact Delivery Properties, Module Properties tab) in the build to be <some path or other>\{$DateStamp}
Hopefully this should work OK for you.
Best regards,