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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: James_Bonnell on 23 Sep 2010 12:54:06 PM

Title: Problem with a year/month line graph
Post by: James_Bonnell on 23 Sep 2010 12:54:06 PM
I'm using Cognos 8.4.1, in Report Studio, trying to get a Line Chart to work right.

Here's what I have:

Transformer Model with Account, Department, and Time dimensions.

Current FY ([FISCAL_YEAR] -> ?Fiscal Year?)
Prior FY (prevmember([FISCAL_YEAR] -> ?Fiscal Year?)
CY Actuals (tuple([Current FY], [Total Expenditures], [EXPENSE_AMOUNT]))
PY Actuals (tuple([Prior FY], [Total Expenditures], [EXPENSE_AMOUNT])
Months (children([Current FY]))

What's working: I see the measures on the line graph, and the Months on the X axis.

What's NOT working: the amounts are supposed to vary by month!  Right now, I get a straight line for the entire year (well, sure, it's a tuple of the current year).

I can get one year to work right by filtering, but not current and prior year.

I can do two lists, one for only Current FY and one for only Prior FY, and have the correct totals show by month.  Saving them to Excel, in about 15 seconds I had the exact graph I was looking for.  I'm clearly missing something.  Can anyone give me some suggestions?
Title: Re: Problem with a year/month line graph
Post by: James_Bonnell on 24 Sep 2010 06:43:03 AM
Well, I didn't figure out how to do what I wanted from the cube... so I did it from our relational star schema.

I'd still like to know what I'm doing wrong on the cube/multidimensional method, but at least I have a working model...