Whenever I try to import a model in Cognos Planning 8.2 Contributor the run state remains as "LAUNCHED" . In log file the error is mentioned as
GUID Stack Date Time Component Version Information Module File Procedure Line Number Source Error Number Error Description User Domain\User Name Machine Domain\Machine Name Previous User Domain\Previous User Name Previous Machine Domain\Previous Machine Name Process Id Thread Id
{F7637146-4AEC-46B2-9F2F-0EFE6AE29022} 1 2010-09-22 11:33:52.903 UTC unavailable PADModel_80 8.2.1332.0 PAD GetObjectFromParentAndType 480 PADModel_80.PAD.GetObjectFromParentAndType -2147212376 An object named 'tcscdw' of type 'datastores' could not be found TDCUCOGNOS01\cognosadmin ULTIMATIXDEV\TDCUCOGNOS01 None\None None\None 5880 1292
{F7637146-4AEC-46B2-9F2F-0EFE6AE29022} 2 2010-09-22 11:33:52.918 UTC unavailable PADModel_80 8.2.1332.0 PAD GetObjectIDFromPath 180 PADModel_80.PAD.GetObjectFromParentAndType -2147212376 An object named 'tcscdw' of type 'datastores' could not be found TDCUCOGNOS01\cognosadmin ULTIMATIXDEV\TDCUCOGNOS01 TDCUCOGNOS01\cognosadmin ULTIMATIXDEV\TDCUCOGNOS01 5880 1292
{F7637146-4AEC-46B2-9F2F-0EFE6AE29022} 3 2010-09-22 11:33:52.934 UTC unavailable epPlanningTransfer_80 8.2.1332.0 frmPADObjectPicker GetObjectIDFromPath 140 PADModel_80.PAD.GetObjectFromParentAndType -2147212376 An object named 'tcscdw' of type 'datastores' could not be found TDCUCOGNOS01\cognosadmin ULTIMATIXDEV\TDCUCOGNOS01 TDCUCOGNOS01\cognosadmin ULTIMATIXDEV\TDCUCOGNOS01 5880 1292
Need urgent help.
Many Thanks,