G'day all
We have built a number of cubes in Transformer 7.3 for use with Cognos 8 BI Analysis Studio.Ã, Our users need to be able to use the Search feature to find data buried deep within dimension hierarchies.Ã,Â
In some cubes the "Search All Details" is available to select but in others, the most recently created, this option is greyed out.
Any out there know why this is or if there is some global setting we need to set to enable this option for all cubes?
Hi Blue,
Not sure if this is the cause, but may be worth checking. Are you using the same version of Transformer for the most recently created cubes? Older versions of Transformer (pre MR2 I seem to recall) do not adorn the cubes with metadata for Cognos 8, whereas the later versions had this feature added. If this is the case, you can use the pcoptimizer.exe utility (c8\bin) to add the c8 adornments after Transformer has built the cube.
If I'm way off the mark with this, please ignore (probably just another sign of how senile I'm getting!) <sigh> oh for the days of Quiz! :)
I'm using Transformer 7.3.1222.0-0. I don't know if this is MR2 or not. Do you know what the build number is for MR2?
To answer my own question; the lastest download from the Cognos support site is 7.3.1240 (MR2).
I tried using the pcoptimizer.exe on the cubes but it didn't removed the problem. The "All Details" option of Search is still greyed out. :)
Hi Blue,
In that case I'd be tempted to log a case with Cognos Support on this one if I were you. Sorry I couldn't be of more help!
Thanks MF. You have been of some help. I never new about pcoptimizer.exe before. :)
Cognos Support says this looks like a bug.
Work-around: Created separate Framework Manager project JUST for the cubes and republished all cubes. The Search All option works.