I have done some access right changed upon my test library. Now I can not open analyst. When I try to login, it show the message "Access denied the userid Administrator is not a member of any anylist user classes". I think the LIBS.TAB(X:\cognos\cer4\bin\LIBS.TAB) was changed when I done access right upon my test library.
Help me please, thanks very much.
I have had this before. You deleted the user whch was secured against analyst as a system administrator. Although you may have a user with the same name the GUID behind the user name has changed.
There were only two fixes that worked for me.
1, Restore the LIB.TAB file with the old user in it.
2, Reinstall Analyst.
Sorry its not an easier fix.
Thanks very much for your help! I am trying to resolve the problem by your methods.