we have multiselect prompt where users can select any ID_NO from list and run the report, works fine 100%.
Now we are trying to give another option to user where they can give any ID_NO mannully, on same prompt page( which means either they select from list or enter manually)
please share some ideas how we can achieve this.
many thanks in advance
Hi Pooja,
Would a Select & Search prompt give you a result close enough to what you desire?
we have been asked to provide option to USER where they can put manually
plesse share some ideas..
thankx again
Sorry - not quite following you there, my friend! :) A Select & Search prompt allows a user to enter a value to search on. If the user entered a single ID_NO, wouldn't this fulfill the requirement?
I agree with the muppet :D
Search and select is a good option.
However, you can keep your existing value prompt and then just add a type in prompt with a new parameter name. Modify your report filter to be something like
[reportItem] in (?valuePromptList?) or [reportItem] in (?manuallyEnteredPromptList?)
Quote from: Lynn on 17 Sep 2010 12:23:12 PM
I agree with the muppet :D
Always a dangerous thing to do! People might start to think you're losing your marbles like me! :D
QuotePeople might start to think you're losing your marbles like me!
I'm afraid that ship has sailed...