Hi, I have a date prompt. The properties are required:yes, hide adornments:no, multiselect:no,
Select UI:calandar, range:yes. The filter is in_range and required. [trans Date] in_range ?P_Date?
Without selecting the dates, it allows you to hit finish, and then I get no data.
Is this a known problem ? Is there a work around. I need it to be Required.
Has anyone else had this problem ?
Thank you.
Hmmm - the 'required' property of the prompt should enforce this.
One other thing to check: If you look a the properties of your filter, is the filter set to required or optional?
Hi MF, Thanks for the response. Yes, my filter is required.
The calendar UI always defaults to today. The finish button is enabled because default values are there. If you don't select anything and click finish it gets submitted with today for both ends of the range. I guess you'd call it a "feature" rather than a "known problem" :)
I suppose Java Script is an option to set the default to something you like, though I'm not a proponent of JS unless absolutely necessary due to potential upgrade issues. A different prompt control where you render a list of dates would be another option.
Thank you. At least I know it's a "feature" and not a bug.
What version of Cognos r u using?. In Cognos 8.4 you have the option of selecting a date or defaulting to the Earliest and Latest dates. By default Earliest and Latest date options are selected. If you do not select any dates in Date range prompt the report returns all the data.