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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS Connection => Topic started by: Lynn on 16 Sep 2010 03:13:06 PM

Title: Portlet Drill Through
Post by: Lynn on 16 Sep 2010 03:13:06 PM
On version 8.4.1 I have created a new page but am having trouble with drill through portlet communication. This seems so simple and I'm not sure what I must be missing. Here is what I have:

1) source report with drill through defined to target report passing parameter and the open in new window box Un-checked
2) target report expecting parameter (running these outside the portlet page shows they function correctly)
2) Cognos viewer on the dashboard page with channel name Portlet1 set to show source report
3) Cognos viewer on the dashboard page with channel name Portlet2 set to show target report
4) On portlet1 I set report properties for Report-based drill through to Communicate with other portlets on the page and named Portlet2.
5) On portlet2 I set the above properties to Portlet1

I have tried many other combinations with no luck. If the drill through definition is set to open in a new window it opens in a new window, not the portlet. If not set to open a new window, nothing happens at all when I click the drill through link.

Any ideas what I am doing incorrectly? Clearly this basic functionality is eluding me :)
Title: Re: Portlet Drill Through
Post by: Lynn on 17 Sep 2010 08:58:51 AM
It seems my mistake was naming the two viewer portlets with two different names and having each refer to the other. Naming them both with the same channel name and setting the report based drill through property to that name is the ticket.
Title: Re: Portlet Drill Through
Post by: dblinde on 10 Oct 2011 10:21:26 AM
i had the same problem.

to be somewhat more specific:

portlet 1 as Source

portlet 2 as Target

that should be sufficient in order to pass the same Parameter value from the one portlet to the other.

Daan Blinde
Title: Re: Portlet Drill Through
Post by: PRIT AMRIT on 19 Oct 2011 01:36:05 AM
I have done the same as suggested by Daan Blinde. It works fine for me.
Title: Re: Portlet Drill Through
Post by: cognostechie on 21 Oct 2011 11:34:55 AM
It works fine as long as all the reports have the same no. of parameters. Any idea how to makie it work if 3 reports need 3 parametsr and the 4th report needs 4 parameters ?