Hi Cognoids,
We have been experiencing tns errors from our Cognos jobs - mostly Decision
Stream but occasionally Transformer for quite some time. At first, it was
intermittent; however, it now occurs almost daily. We have had no luck
solving this from the database or application level. The following is a
typical error:
Short Description: PO Load Failed - TNS Time Out Error
Long Description: [PROGRESS - 04:45:46] pid 3800 Build Node 16
'STG_PO_F_PO_DATA'; reported the following:
DS-DBMS-E402: UDA driver reported the following:
DMS-E-GENERAL, A general exception has occurred during operation 'attach
ORA-12535: TNS:operation timed out
DS-DBMS-E306: UDA driver error connecting to 'ALIAS_00E79CA4'.
Has anyone else seen this type of error?
You lost the link between your DS server and the oracle server. Basically, it cant find it for some reason. I would try to ping the server next time you get this message.