Our installation, has 3 installations of Cognos on the same box, but only 1 installation of Data Manager as follows
program files\Cognos contains DM
program files\Cognosdev
program files\Cognostst
At the end of the jobstream there is procedure call that executes a batch file which then does a transformer cube refresh.
I know the batch file works as I have run this standalone, however when data manager connects to the test catalogue and runs the test copy of the batch file, it runs it as though the transformer executable is the straight Cognos executeable and picks up all the settings for this, not the settings for the CognosTST version
Does anyone know if there are environment variables that can be set to ensure that the correct version of cogtr.exe is run. I explicitly do a cd to the cogtst directory in the batch file but this does not appear to make any difference
Is the architecture we have built a sensible one, or should we have 3 boxes and 3 separate installations ?
Any help would be appreciated
Alison ???