Hi All,
When I validate a report I am getting this error RSV-VAL-0034 Failed to validate the variable functions. CRX-API-0016 The expression input string is empty: ""..
But the report is running fine.
What parameters and prompts are defined within the report? Are any of the prompts optional, and/or have static choices which may be inappropriate?
I am trying to create a static prompt to select the campus type (i.e., high school, middle school)...then use that response to control which campuses or buildings on displayed on next prompt. I created the static prompt on the prompt page and allowed 3 values to pick (i.e., 1 - high school, 2-middle school, 3-elementary). Then I went to the campus prompt query and added a case statement as follows and when validating this ....i get the error on RSV-VAL-0034
case ?Campus_Type?
when 1 then ([RC General Info].[Building - MS-RC] < 25 )
when 2 then ( [RC General Info].[Building - MS-RC] between 25 and 100 )
else ( [RC General Info].[Building - MS-RC] > 100 )
Campus_Type is the name of the static Prompt....the parameter is CampusType
When user selects 1 then I want only buildings less than 100 to display on this campus prompt.
Look up the section in the Report Studio user guide (http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/data/cognos/documentation/docs/en/8.4.1/ug_cr_rptstd.pdf) called "Create a Cascading Prompt".