Hello All ,
I am trying to display new rupee symbol in our cognos reports. Am able to do this by using font, but here problem is with PDF. Whenever I execute that report in PDF am not getting it in PDF output.
Please let me know is there any possibility of getting new symbol in Cognos by using the Dataformat currency property. Where am able to get the new currency , but am not able to display the default symbol for new current ( rupee symbol).
Let me know in case of any clarifications required on my post.
Hi Sanjeev,
An HTML generated report will use the fonts installed on the browsers pc whereas PDF will use the fonts installed on the Cognos server. Worthwhile checking if the font is available on your server.
For more info have a look in the Installation and Configuration guide. The section you need is:
Customising IBM Cognos 8 for your environment -> Changing Default Configuration Settings -> Configuring fonts.
Hope this helps
Kind Regards