Hi all,
I have a cube. I am using IQDs as datasource. That cube contains 3 yrs of data. I can not do the full build of the cube bcoz it will take too long time to run. So I want fill the cube with data by date wise.
In my IQD I have a condition with date. If I change that date it will fetch the data for one week. Like this I have 150 weeks of data. So I can not change the dates manually every time.
So I want to cheage the dates dynamically after fetch the data for one week.
For Example: My condition is date between 01-Jan-2010 and 07-Jan-2010. With this it will fetch that data. After fetching that data it should take the date like 08-Jan-2010 and 14-Jan-2010. Like this it should take the dates automatically to till date.
Could you please help me in this regard..
Thanks in advance
If i i am guessing right you want weekly data in your time dimension.
If you want to do that then use the date wizard and includes yearly , quartely and monthly and weekly data.
you can do that using data wizard,,, and then specify you want data at weekly level..
try that,,
If you only want to load small pieces of data into your cube at a time you have two options:
1. Perform incremental cube builds
2. Time partition your cubes
Other when you do a full cube build based of a week of data, you will get a cube with just a weeks worth of data in it.
Altering your data source to only return a weeks worth of data is trivial. Two basic options are:
1. Use database functions such as GETDATE(), DATEADD etc. (SQL Server) to dynamically build a moving week window
2. A much better option is to build a calendar table which has the 'build week' defined in it. You then join your queries to that build week.
1. Do you understand that you need to have an incremental/parititoned cube?
2. What database are you selecting from
3. Do you have the option to create a calendar table (or do you already have one) in your database?