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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS 8 Administration => Topic started by: sharan M on 05 Sep 2010 10:34:42 PM

Title: QE-DEF-0288 - Unable to find the data source 'gosales' in the content store.
Post by: sharan M on 05 Sep 2010 10:34:42 PM

I'm a VERY quite new user of cognos8.when I try to access "GO Sales and Retailers" public folder through "Query Studio",I'm getting above error messgae. :( :o

Any one's help regarding the same will be appricated... :)

Please Note:
1.Cognos8 is installed on a standalone machine.
2.Database is created on Oracle 10G.
3.All the Cognos8 connections running fine.
4.Full control permission set to "Everyone" through "Set Properties" option.
5.Same problem facing accessing all the "Public Folder"!!! :(
Title: Re: QE-DEF-0288 - Unable to find the data source 'gosales' in the content store.
Post by: MFGF on 06 Sep 2010 05:35:37 AM
If you log on as an Administrative user and launch the IBM Cognos Administration console, then go to the Configuration tab and look at the list of data sources defined, do you have one called 'gosales'?

Title: Re: QE-DEF-0288 - Unable to find the data source 'gosales' in the content store.
Post by: sharan M on 06 Sep 2010 12:08:55 PM
Thanks for the reply MF.

As I said, I'm quite new to Cognos so I'm not understaing how to chect it. It would be very kind of you if you help me understand how to check this step by step through cognos console or Cognos8 Welcome page:-[

I thought of asking you about it instead of providing you a wrong info!

Title: Re: QE-DEF-0288 - Unable to find the data source 'gosales' in the content store.
Post by: Heba_elfaid on 06 Sep 2010 03:00:32 PM


GoSales is IBM sample database which contains data for IBM samples, so you should

for any more questions just reply to my post,

Heba El-Desouky
Title: Re: QE-DEF-0288 - Unable to find the data source 'gosales' in the content store.
Post by: RobsWalker68 on 06 Sep 2010 04:40:02 PM

The database that is restored to the database is 'GOSALES'

The data source that is set up in Cognos connection should be called 'great_outdoors_sales' and this should reference the database 'GOSALES'


Title: Re: QE-DEF-0288 - Unable to find the data source 'gosales' in the content store.
Post by: sharan M on 07 Sep 2010 11:48:14 AM
Hi Rob/Heba/MF,

Thanks for the needful done! I'm using Cognos 8.1 version. I rectifed the problem by following steps:
1. Go to Cognos8 Welcome page
2. Click "Cognos Connection".
3. Click "Tools" and Select "Directory"
4. Click "Data Sources".

Here I had done mistakes while naming data sources. (i.e.had named "gosl" instead of "gosales"!!!);)

Now it's working fine! :)

But I cant see Public folder names of the datasources

Please help me!!!

Title: Re: QE-DEF-0288 - Unable to find the data source 'gosales' in the content store.
Post by: RobsWalker68 on 07 Sep 2010 12:01:08 PM
Hi Sharan,

Glad you got it working.  I'm on 8.4.1 so I have a slightly different set of samples by the sound of it, but you may not need to set up anything specifically for go_humanresource  or go_marketresearch.  My GOSALES physical database (SQL Server) has the additional schemas included within in it so the single data source connection suffices.

Kind Regards

Title: Re: QE-DEF-0288 - Unable to find the data source 'gosales' in the content store.
Post by: sharan M on 07 Sep 2010 12:04:28 PM
Thanks for your quick advice Rob

Title: Re: QE-DEF-0288 - Unable to find the data source 'gosales' in the content store.
Post by: gouravatalkar on 08 Sep 2010 12:12:19 AM
hi you can completely understand by following links its very helpful for you because you are using cognos 8.1 and this guide is based on cognos 8.1

Hope it will defiantly help you......
Title: Re: QE-DEF-0288 - Unable to find the data source 'gosales' in the content store.
Post by: Redwan on 24 Jan 2011 08:33:34 PM
Hi !

I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself before my first post , but I'm will be back on this forum ! For sure !

I'm facing the same trouble.

I dl IBM Cognos 8 BI Developer Edition

from here

And I'm unable to find any Gosales files , neither in
.\IBM Cognos 8 BI Developer Edition\webcontent\

nor in the archive folder

would it be possible to get a sample of a Data source in order to make a demo of Cognos 8 ?

thanks a lot.

Title: Re: QE-DEF-0288 - Unable to find the data source 'gosales' in the content store.
Post by: RobsWalker68 on 25 Jan 2011 03:29:32 AM
Hi Redwan,

The samples are not installed as part of the server installation and instead need to be installed seperately.  I'm afraid I haven't downloaded the Cognos 10.1 Developer edition so I'm not sure what you get but have a check to see if there is a samples installation package.

Kind Regards

Title: Re: QE-DEF-0288 - Unable to find the data source 'gosales' in the content store.
Post by: Redwan on 25 Jan 2011 04:17:14 AM
Hi Rob , thanks for your answer.

I dl Cognos 8.4.1. developper edition not for commercial use.

In fact I'm just looking for any kind of database example that I could set-up in framework manager.

I'm going to make a demonstration of BI Cognos to students carring out a master of science in IT.

But timing is to short I think, I'm gone a create FM with an Access database and check if I can use on line triout of Cognos.