Is this possible...
I'm building a report, using Cognos Cube. 8.4
In this cube i have 3 different date dimensions.
I need to have 3 date prompts.
But i don't want the user to select the same date 3 different times.
Is it possible to create one date prompt that will filter out the other dimension dates.
Something like this:
[Date1] -> ?Month?
[Date2] = ?Month?
[Date3] = ?Month?
Thank you
You can create just one Date Prompt. It will automatically create a filter. Edit the filter expression to make it work with all 3 different dates
Can you please explain little bit more.
I got 3 dates and 3 queries
I need something like this,,,,,,,
Qeury 1 [AP_Date1] -> ?Month?
Qeury 2 [GL_Date2] = ?Month?
Qeury 3 [AR_Date3] = ?Month?
Prompt can be common across all queries but filters are specific to the Queries. You cannot use a filter from Query1 for Query2.
What you can do is this:
1> Create Query1, Query2, Query3 first. Put the Data Items in there.
2> Create a Date Prompt. While creation, it will ask you which queries you want to filter. Select
Query1, Query2, Query3 and it will create filters for all 3 queries.
3> Go to all queries one by one and edit the filter condition.
Ex: For Query1, your filter should say [AP_Date] -> ?Month?
For Query2, your filter should say [GL_Date] -> ?Month?
and similar for Query3.
In other words, you will have 3 different filters , one for each Query but only one prompt.
I have benn trying this but no result.
If i will go to each query and changethe filter, WHAT will be my source for the prompt?