Sometimes durring DWH loading I am getting this kind of error while connecting to SAP and getting data from some tables:
[SQL - 23:00:28] Preparing Data Source 'TVTW'
DM-DBM-0400 UDA driver reported the following on connection SAP_DS:
UDA-SQL-0196 The table or view "TVTW" was not found in the dictionary.
Today it was TVTW table, but it is not always.
During this DWH load there were many such connections made - data was feeded from many SAP tables.
And maybe what is important, that many connections are made simultaneously.
SAP administrator told me that at this time there was not problem with SAP at generall. This problem sometimes occurs and sometimes not.
We use IBM Cognos SAP R/3 Connector for Data Manager.
Anyone knows anything about it and can help me?
Hmmm - I've not encountered this before, but the product doesn't sound like it's behaving properly here. I'd suggest you log this with IBM Customer Support to see what they can suggest.