I followed the IBM instruction for creating a YTD data item for my reporting purposes, which is working well. However, I want to be able to implement LAST YTD and similar functions. Whenever I try, using either the parallelperiod or prevmember functions (as these seem most useful) I get errors.
My data source is DMR and, as prescribed by IBM I have data items for selected month (just sets the parameter), year to date set: periodsToDate([DW_Present].[Time Information].[Time].[Financial Year];[Selected Month]) and finally the data item for the spend YTD: (total([Evidenced Spend] within set [Year to Date Set]))
My assumption is that I would need to edit one of these to get last YTD. Any advise would be gratefully received.
Quote from: Revelator80 on 24 Aug 2010 03:16:29 AMWhenever I try, using either the parallelperiod or prevmember functions (as these seem most useful) I get errors.
Can you share with us the exact syntax you coded for these, and the errors that were reported?
Great question. Just as MF said, if you could post the exact syntax you are using, that would be great.
Generally, I have a data item that is a direct pointer to the member they chose in the selected hierarchy.
For example, a data item called [ChosenMonth] has expression: [DW_Present].[Time Information].[Time] -> ?Selected Month?
Of course, this requires the right prompt to feed it. But, it makes navigating around the hierarchy a heck of a lot easier.
You're right to use parallelPeriod too, in the following way:
periodsToDate([DW_Present].[Time Information].[Time].[Financial Year],parallelPeriod([DW_Present].[Time Information].[Time].[Financial Year],[ChosenMonth]))