Hi All,
I have come across a report which has one query as a Main query without a filter. This Main query has all the rquired fields. Developer had used this Main query to create other queries. There are more than 15 queries with different filter conditions.Each query is associated with more than 3 components like list, crosstab,chart, repeater etc.
My question is that how cognos will work in this situation? Will it hit to the db once as it has just a single query (Main query in this case) which is dragging all the required fields and this Main query is used as a reference to other queries or it will hit multiple times to the db?
Cognos is using MS Access as a db at the backend.
Thanks in Advance!
Hi suvarnamulay ,
In your case if the query1 has multiple instences on dofferent containers?it will hit only one time to get the data from contetnt store
if the containers mapped with differnt queries , then alll queries hit content store independently
Quote from: srinivas_p on 19 Aug 2010 08:14:53 AM
Hi suvarnamulay ,
In your case if the query1 has multiple instences on dofferent containers?it will hit only one time to get the data from contetnt store
if the containers mapped with differnt queries , then alll queries hit content store independently
The content store stores just metadata, query data is fetched from the source database where the datasource connection is pointed to
I am pretty sure its just once, the data. We used it in a set of our reports