I installed Cognos 8.4.1 on a Windows 7 Professional machine. The problem I have with accessing my users and groups through NTLM.
In the Security > User, Groups and Roles > Directory window, I see two namespaces: Cognos and NTLM. The Cognos namespace link is activated (blue and underlined). The NTLM namespace link is not accessible.
In Cognos Configuration, I added NTLM to Security > Authentication. The test successfully completed.
Any thoughts on how to resolve the issue?
Set security option "Allow anonymous" to false in Cognos Configuration. Restart services. Make sure virtual directory cgi-bin has integrated authentication, not anonymous.
Setting the security option "Allow Anonymous" to false only prevented me from logging into C8.
I did not see any setting to set the virtual directory "cgi-bin" to integrated authentication. How is this setting changed?
Right-click on the virtual directory in IIS manager, properties, then one of the tabs (think it's called directory security). There's checkboxes. Uncheck anonymous, check integrated. Needs to be specific to cgi-bin (not cognos8)
Quote from: texanfritz on 17 Aug 2010 08:45:51 AM
Setting the security option "Allow Anonymous" to false only prevented me from logging into C8.
I did not see any setting to set the virtual directory "cgi-bin" to integrated authentication. How is this setting changed?
Not sure if NTLM behaves similar to MSAD.
Our IIS for Cognos has 'Integrated windows authentication'. 'Enable anonymous access' is NOT checked.
Cgi-bin takes properties of higher level group in IIS which is Cognos unless you right-click on cgi-bin itself and go to properties for 'Directory Security' and edit it.
In Cognos configuration MSAD is setup with singleSignonOption and IdentityMapping value to allow single sign on. NTLM may have different settings if you refer to ug_cra document.
AD and NTLM are not the same. Don't need singleSignonOption and IdentityMapping since not using AD as a source (it's a standalone workstation install if it's going on Windows7)
Resolved the issue. User error. I was using the wrong userid for the computer which was different that the network id.