I have no problem creating a nested package in Framework Manager and publish it to the Cognos Connection.Ã, However, I'm a little confuse on the Namespace versus Folder.
Can you help me understand what is the distinction between Folder and Namespace in Nested Package?
The big difference between a folder and a namespace is that a folder has no impact on the unique name of an item, whereas a namespace does. A unique name comprises [Namespace].[Query Subject].[Query Item]If you have a namespace with two subfolders, and try to create the same query subjects and query items in each folder, you will not be able to as the names will not be unique within the namespace. If you have a folder with two namespaces within it, and try to create the same query subjects and query items in each namespace, you will be successful, as there are no naming conflicts. Folders are for grouping things, but have no impact on an item's unique name.
Thank You So Much...
You're welcome! :)
What is a NESTED package??? How do you create a nested package and what are the benefits?
Thanks in advance!
A nested package is a group of packages within a package.
North America (grand daddy package)
- USA (individual package)
- Mexico (individual package)
- Canada (individual package)
Benefit: good organization within Cognos Connection.
One other difference between Folder and Namespace: You cannot cross Namespaces in a single query - that will give you a cross-product error. That's one way I keep users inside one 'subject', by placing subjects in different namespaces. Works good.
If you multiple namespaces in your model,does it slow down the performance,anyway?
I have not seen any performance impact from having multiple namespaces in a package.
Can anyone please guide on the steps to create a nested package in FM.
I have to publish a nested package to include data from 2 TM1 cubes in report studio.
Thanks a lot.