1- We have this crossTab report that is working just fine
2- It has 3 lines and 3 columns
3- I would like to display only the FIRST line (which is in fact a TOTAL)
4- Then, if the user needs to see the 2 other lines he would simply need to expand a plus sign and then we would see the subTotals lines.
What is the name of this behaviour ? Are we talking about "Expandable columns" and if so what do i need to do ? Do i need to use HTML items and then put some java script code ?
Or are we dealing with Drill Down functionality ? and if so how ?
Hi to all,
I searched this same forum and found a POST actually from me ...
That's back from 2007.
Simply type the following words and you should all see it:
HowTo: Expand Collapse Report using Javascript
Thanks anyhow !