I am new to TM1 - trying to understand why my text file is not loading data to cube.
cube has 10 dimensions plus another dimension that I am using as the measures dimension, it has 1 element 'dollars'. So that
makes 11 dimensions in total.
My Load text file has a column for each variable.
geograpy,major, division,provider,minor,department,area,tower,month, $$$$ -data
My cube has a dimension for each variable above - geography through month, plus another dimension called measures.
In the load process (TI), there are 11 rows of variables. I marked each as Element and String, and the last one, which is the column that the data ($$) is in, I marked it as Data and Numeric.
I go to the Maps tab, select Update cube, select the CubeName and click Dimensions, that's when I get a message:
"The dimension count in the specified cube does not match with the number of dimension element variables".
I can't do anything else. I thought I had to have a dimension for measures as that would be the dimension to always mark as data? I know this is basic, but as I said, this is my first try at creating and loading a cube - haven't had any education on it, just trying to learn it on my own.
Could ypu please attached the prontscreen of the Map-> dimension to see it further.
hi Ravi, that's my problem, I can't get to the Map/Dimension tab. I am getting the error before I get there.
My datasource file looks like this (I'm using a smaller example here with an example of a smaller cube I created for this example):
Product Type / Version / Channel / Month / Price
Shoes / Forecast / Footwear / Jan / 40.31
My Variables Tab looks like this:
Variable Name / Variable Type / Sample Variable / Contents / Formula
vProduct / String / Shoes / Element /
Version / String / Forecast / Element /
Channel / String / Footwear / Element /
vMonth / String / Jan / Element /
vPrice / Numeric / 40.31 / Data /
My Dimensions are:
Price_Measures (this has 2 members Unit Sales Price and Unit Cost both are formatted as Currency)
The msg I get when I try to access Maps/Dimensions is: The dimension count in the specified cube does not match with the number of dimension element variables.
I figured out the problem
I have 5 dimensions: product, version, channel, month and measures (which I listed as price)
I had a load file with 5 dimensions. product, version, channel, month and data.
I was trying to associate the measures dimension as the data dimension, there was no variable from the measures dimension represented in the variable list...
I added the measures variable to my load file, and it loaded the data in.
Hi Ryarba,
Guys i am new to tm1 and while installing tm1 9.5.1 i am facing prooblem in in installing tm1 i am getting error ""Error 1919 Error configuring odbc data source plain_load_data odbc error 6: Component not found in the registry. Verify that the file plan_load_data exists and you can access it"
Hi Ryarba,
Even I got stuck with the same issue ,Could u please be more specific in solving this
i don't think all of your dimensions are represented in the variables tab
you say you have data but where are you accounting for your measures dimension?
on the variables tab you should try inserting a new variable and call it say
vmeasures, make it a string and an Element. then make a formula for it
that says vmeasures = "Unit Sales Price"
I think you will then have all dimensions represented and it should work.
I got the error msg as "the dimension count in the specified cube does not match with the number of dimension element variables in tm1" when i tried to go to map tab after variable set.
My Cube got three dimensions as below
Account Numbers
Business Units
Budget Versions
My source file got the following variables
I wud like to load my measures on budget versions column.
Kindly help us on this reg.