I get the following error: Content Manager database connection]
1. [ ERROR ] The database connection failed.
2. [ ERROR ] Content Manager encountered an error while trying to verify the database configuration
user=cognos with dba privilege(to be sure)
My database is oracle10g defined on port 1522
I have copied ojdbc14.jar,classes12.jar and classes12.zip to cognos\c8\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib
My database characterset is: AL32UTF8
when starting then the task:testing content manager connection failed with the same error as above. :(
Any suggestion?
Wasn't 10g for ojdbc5.jar while 9g was ojdbc14.jar? I always have to look that up. (you are using 10g client-side?)
Yes 10.2 for windows. In the jdbc/lib you have only ojdbc14.jar and classes12.jar . In 11g you have ojdbc5.jar and ojdbc6.jar
Yes my client is also 10g client.
I am new in regards of installing Cognos.
The database specifier is: localhost:1522:demo10 where demo10 is my service name defined in tnsnames.ora. I have no problem connecting with cognos/password@demo10 using sqlplus or sqldeveloper or toad...
ps: when will the "content" tables created...?
Cogserver.log file might have bit more details about the error
Quote from: twohis on 13 Aug 2010 12:24:35 PM
I get the following error: Content Manager database connection]
1. [ ERROR ] The database connection failed.
2. [ ERROR ] Content Manager encountered an error while trying to verify the database configuration
user=cognos with dba privilege(to be sure)
My database is oracle10g defined on port 1522
I have copied ojdbc14.jar,classes12.jar and classes12.zip to cognos\c8\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib
My database characterset is: AL32UTF8
when starting then the task:testing content manager connection failed with the same error as above. :(
Any suggestion?
Hi Dear Twan
only copy ojdbc14.jar not classes12.jar and classes12.zip
if you already copied classes12.jar and classes12.zip
delete these two
see this video
i think it will helpful for you
Thank you
Hi Koharish,
I saw your excellent video.
but I installed bi server version 8.3 and Cognos 8 BI Server 8.3 SP2 Windows/xp/sp3
I installed apache 2.2 also but at port 8080 because i already installed IIS on port 80
i deleted the classes12.jar and classes12.zip but get still the same error.
i changed http://localhost:8080/cognos8/cgi-bin/mod_cognos.dll and
http://localhost:8080/cognos8/controllerServer because the apache port is 8080
my java version is
C:\>java -version
java version "1.4.2_14"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_14-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_14-b05, mixed mode)
bu i see that cognos use jre 1.5.0 (C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\bin\jre\1.5.0)
could u check which java version u use.
Question 1: you need to start the apache server before testing?
Question 2: is it ok for cognos that the apache server is started on a
differtent port?
Question 3: can i use IIS instead of apache or should I use sqlserverexpress
instead when using IIS?