Hi all, hope you can help me with this ...my report has 2 blocks; 1st has TABLEs for Master information, the 2nd is a REPEATER with TABLEs for Detail information.
Master: Cust_Code, Cust_Name, Address, Telephone etc...
1101, Jane Doe, 1101 Bow Ave, 111-1101
5520, John Boy, 5520 Arrow Lane, 555-5520
9909, Mary Jane, 9909 Zak Street, 999-9909
Cust_Code, Store, Complaint_Date, Complaint_Type, Comments, Store_Running_Count
1101, Downstreet, 2010-01-01, Type1, 'Comments from 1101-1', 1
1101, Downstreet, 2010-01-11, Type2, 'Comments from 1101-2', 2
1101, Downstreet, 2010-01-21, Type3, 'Comments from 1101-3', 3
1101, Catalley, 2010-02-01, Type2, 'comments from 1101', 1
5520, Darter, 2010-03-01, Type3, 'comments from 5520', 1
2323, Darter, 2010-03-01, Type3, 'comments from 2323', 1
Customer Name: Jane Doe Address/Phone: 1101 Bow Ave (111-1101)
Store: Downstreet
Complaint: Type1, Type2, Type3
Comments: Comments from 1101-3
Store: Catalley
Complaint: Type2
Comments: comments from 1101
I create the Running-Count as I thought I can use this to control the last row to be displayed. But now, I am a little lost what to do; not sure how I can use this now - to get RS to display only the last Comments. I am able to display all the Complaints in a row so that's not a problem. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.