I have two packages.
One called: Analysis
One called: Reports
The Analysis package is for users to use in Analysis Studio.
The Reports package is for professional authors to build reports, and for users to run reports off of.
I do not want my "Analysis" users opening the "Reports" package in Analysis Studio, but they still need to run reports based on the Reports package. For this reason, the "Reports" package I've set permissions to "Execute" and "Traverse" for these users.
I've created a drill through definition in the "Analysis" package to run a report off of the "Reports" package.
....the problem, is that it appears as though the "Reports" package requires "Read" permission for the drill through to work. The drill through target appears in the "Related Links" but when I click the report, I'm getting a red x with no real error message (and obviously, the report doesn't run)
Adding "Read" permission to the "Reports" package makes the drill through work, but I don't want to do that because I don't want them opening the "Reports" package in Analysis Studio.
Any ideas?
(running 8.4.1 on windows)
Is you reports package modeled as a DMR? If no, then I don't think users can open it using Analysis Studio, even if they have read accesss..
yeah. the reporting package does have DMR. ...a necessity since the target report has drill up/down and tree prompts.
Maybe you want to set the Report Studio package to "invisible" in Cognos Connection but give the analysis users the necessary rights on it (read, traverse, ...). The invisible-feature is possible since 8.4. The first known problem would be, that the package would be invisible to your Report Studio users also. But... possible solution for this could be: Allow your Report Studio Users to activate checkbox "show invisible elements" in their user preferences. The right to activate this checkbox can be managed in Cognos Administration.
Yeah, that's what I ended up doing....
...it's not great, because "hidden" doesn't really mean secure, but I suppose I'll have to live with it.
I think I'll log this as an issue with IBM. Thanks for your suggestion.