Hi there,
Does anyone have any best practices on installing fix-packs for Cognos 8.x? What to consider in the event that it has to be backed out?
Where regkeys captured prior to installing the fix-pack for C8?
Any help would be great!
Fixpack are generally installed without any issues.
I suggest that you backup your content store prior to installing any upgrade.
Stop the cognos service
Install the fix pack
Start the cognos service
Test that your report works again (sometimes, when you have custom html items in your reports, it may broke when changing version depending of your scripts..)
If you are a bit more paranoid, just get your tech team to make a backup of the box before you install it.
In case your installation goes bad, then you can at least revert back to the last backup of the box before the installation.
It's probably an overkill though, but I know some managers would like bullet-proof backup plan.
Remember that most Fixpacks replace some config-files within your Cognos folder, e.g. system.xml and so on. If you made some customizings within these files, you have to do them again. The old files are backuped in an uninstallfolder within your cognos program folders.
Quote from: IceTea on 12 Aug 2010 01:05:37 AM
Remember that most Fixpacks replace some config-files within your Cognos folder, e.g. system.xml and so on. If you made some customizings within these files, you have to do them again. The old files are backuped in an uninstallfolder within your cognos program folders.
I forgot this one ;)
Thanks! awesome pointers
i discovered some issues with the latest fixpack.
It will replace some of your custom settings/ files so be aware of.
You can see wich files have been replaced under cognos\c8\uninstall\backup\update_yyyymmdd_hhmm
You can unsinstall the fixpack just by copy this files back.
If you have installed framwork manager and metric designer into the same directory, metric designer won't work anymore after the update. This can be resolved by installing metric designer somewhere else.
best regards
Probably worth mentioning you can use Cognos Upgrade Manager for testing content between different fix packs just as you can with different versions.
Very handy tool if you have a significant number of reports to test!
My question is the does the fix pack go in its own directory?
For example, my base Cognos install is e:\program files\cognos\c8
The fix pack install is asking where to install it, I cannot choose the directory above, do I simply choose another?
No, this is NOT a different directory. It has to be the same directory your Cognos installation is running from. What exactly keeps you from chosing this directory?
During the install it prompts me for a 'Installation Location'. If I choose e:\program File\cognos\c8 I get an error. "You cannot install this version of the product over a previously installed version. Please choose another directory"
It is accompanyed by a 'OK' button, so I cannot continue unless i change it.
It sounds like either
a) You have a full version install, not a fix-pack, or
b) The fix pack you have is not appropriate to the installed version of Cognos 8.
What exact version is currently installed, and what exact fix-pack version are you trying to install?
I have version 8.4.1 and I'm trying to install FP2. I think that is the latest released in June 2010.
It does seem like a full install of Cognos, but I really thought I downloaded the correct one, here is the name of the zip file I pulled from IBM Cognos website: C8_BI_8_4_1_win32_FP002.tar.gz
ok, the issue was I actually am running 8.4 not 8.4.1 so I had the wrong Fix pack.
I got it installed and as expected it wiped out some of my config, most of my customized look and feel from Cognos Connnection is now gone. Does anyone have a list of files it changes? I know someone listed the system.xml file, are there any others? Just trying to save some time.
The changed files are backuped in directory x:\Program Files\cognos\c841\uninstall\backup\
There you can take a look. But a LOT of files are changed/backuped, so if you don't have any clue about the places of your customization, it'll be a hard job. :-[
Hi Friends...
I Have done this activity couple of months back....
Before doing that, tell me you want to do it in Production ?? or Lower environments...
supose if you want do this in production how many servers are using in production..if you are using 2 servers you have implement same Fix pack in both servers.
Before doing this..
1. Check cmplt.txt file
2. check the current Fixpack version ( check which is suitable to your environment windows r Unix)
3. Take Content store backup in database
4. Take content backup in Cognos ( Export the total content store )
5. Take the backup of Configuration file ( Export the configuration file .xml file and save it in your location )
Once you done with the above acivity ...
Now you just unzip and Install the .tar
There are minimal steps are there to Install this..
Once you done with this acivity
1.Check the Cmplt.txt files ..It will updated with New date.
2.After that you check the cognos side evry thing is working fine...
But choose correct Fix pack for your Environment...
Please let me know still you have any concerns
I am planning to apply the fix pack 5 for 8.3 version. All the content stores are backed up and ready for install. I have couple of questions.
1. We extracted the fix pack into a folder on Y:/It/Cognos folder. Now I have to install 2 app servers and a web server by remotely logging into it. All I have to do is, login to servers remotely and navigate where the fix pack is installed and run the install file. Can you confirm if this right?
2. And should I install the same on the web server too.?
Please le tme know.
Thanks all in advance. Please help if the above steps are correct
just make sure you have the fix pack copied on the same server where you are planning to install
then you can go head and install the fix pack
hi guys
we are on Cognos 8.3 version and we applied Fix Pack 5 on our staging environment
after installing FP5 ,one of our report studio report giving the wrong result
and when we checked the query its producing wrong sql query then before
did any body experienced similar issue if yes what was your fix
please let me know ASAP
When I try to install its asking for installation directory as c:\pf\cognos\c8 on the server. But actaul cognos is installed on D:\ drive. Which one i have to chose?
Please let me know.
change your location to D: like below
just replace c with d thats all
It worked. Thanks.