I am running a simple report pulling educational data for employees. An employee can have multiple education records if they have multiple degree i.e. - Bachelors, Masters, PhD etc... There are also some instances where a employee has multiple degrees at one level i.e. - 2 Bachelor Degrees or 2 Masters Degrees or 2 PhD Degrees etc..
I also use a field called Degree Date Earned which is the date the employee actually earned the degree. I need to create or use an existing function/filter the will allow me to get the minimum degree date earned for an employee who has multiple degrees at one level. For Example:
BS Computer Science 5/15/10
BS Electrical Engineering 1/23/07
The filter/function should only pull the degree in Electrical Engineering since it was earned first i.e. - Minimum/Lowest Degree Earned Date for Bachelors.
Any advice or help would be appreciated...
Thanks -- Todd
Try using the rank function and then filter for rank 1
Create a query item called rankDate such as:
rank(degreeDate ASC for Employee, degreeType)
Then filter for rankDate = 1
Not sure I got the syntax etc. exactly right so play around with it.