I had two tables tbldimtime (fldid,flddate,fldday,fldmonth,fldyear) and tblfactuser(flddateid,fldotherdimensions,fldnumbers). I did the measure to calculate number of active user in each day by sum(fldnumbers). At now, I want to get the number of active user for 12 previous each months? For example: If I run report in August 2010, I want to receive the number of active user of the first of each previous month (Jule 2010, June 2010, ....). Can you help me to resolve this?
Thank ???
you can do it on the report level not in the framework manager, as you can create a filter in the report query mentioning that the date < ?Data_Parameter? - 12, and the data parameter will hold the code for the selected month.