Could you help me with the below
Say i have 2 facts . Best practice is to retrieve data from the two facts through conformed dimensions. How would we handle it if we have one dimension with one of the facts that is not common with the others. Say For e.g.
fact1 has Dim 1 Dime 2 as dimensions
Fact2 has Dim1 as dimensions
Can i still pull data from fact 1 and fact2 in a query and get reliable results. Or do i need to tweak it in a certain way?
If your database layer is modeled properly that should not be a problem. So, link Fact 1 to Dim 1 and Dim 2 and link Fact 2 to only Dim 1.
If a user starts querying it I would expect data if you pull in measures from both facts and display them against Dim 1. If you pull in Dim 2 as well the measures from Fact 2 will just disappear.
If I have some time left I will test it on my development environment and let you know.
I've tried it and it doesn't work as I mentioned.
If I put in both dimensions and the fact that is valid against both dimensions everything is fine.
If I put in the fact that is valid for 1 dimension the value from that one dimension gets displayed twice.
If I remove the dimension that is not valid for both facts, but just for 1 fact it shows that first fact correct. In the next field it shows the total of the measure of the other fact in every row.
This is still happening when I have set the dimension scope correctly.
Sorry it didn't work out as hoped.
does this help
Thanks. I will check it out and see if it works.