I am creating a page that uses a multi-tab dashboard object. Every Cognos document I come across says that it is possible to use a global filter to filter across all the tabs. However, I cannot find a way to get this to work. My global filter is working fine if I use a Viewer rather than the multi-tab, but I'd like to keep the multi-tab in place.
I'm beginning to think that all the documentation is wrong.
Anyone have experience with this?
Just clarifying, you are using a multipage object. I doubt very much that the filter will work across tabs. For the filter to work across tabs, the reports will need to be run at the same time. In my experience, the reports are not rendered till the tab is activated.
There is actually a few articles in the KB that refer to global filters. There are also videos on youtube that talk about it but nothing along the lines of filtering reports that run across tabs.
Here is a relatively recent proven practice document that details how to make global filters work in a multi-page dashboard. I wasn't aware of this either so always good to learn something new.
that's a fantastic article! ....great post RobsWalker68
I haven't tried this yet...
but do you know if all the reports on the tabs refresh after refreshing the prompts, or the reports refresh as you click the tab?
Hi David,
I haven't tried it myself yet as only came across it today. If I have time I'll run through it tonight and let you know otherwise if you get there first post an update.
Great finding Rob, it's working absolutely fine.
Hi Prit,
I haven't had time to try it yet myself.
QuoteDo you know if all the reports on the tabs refresh after refreshing the prompts, or the reports refresh as you click the tab?
As you have tried it out would you be able to answer David's query.
When you make you prompt selection and hit on FINISH button, the default page would start refreshing though, however, other reports will only refresh when you would click on the respective TAB.
Thanks Prit for updating.
Good to know
Good Morning
did someone tried it on different cubes ?
since the article only talks about navigate between reports
from the same package.
i got an error tring 2 different packages.
thanks Ayelet.