Hi all. I have another question. I'm creating a list report (8.4). I have modeled this data in both DMR and Relational so I could build the report either way but I'm not sure which is the best for this situation. The situation is that I need to filter my report based on if a field is >0. The data is grouped by Region. So, I only want to show that Region if one of it's States has a negative number. If the State has a negative number then I want to show all states for that Region. I'm not sure how to go about that. I can filter to just show only those States with a negative but that's not what I need. If a Region has a State has a negative number than I need to see all states for that Region. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Report layout is as follows:
Region (section)
State (group) | % Available
Objective: Create a report that shows only regions that have a State with a % less than 0. Show all states for that region.
I was able to figure this one out on my own. I used 2 queries and then joined them. The first query I filtered to get my list of regions and states with % <0. The second query I put a filter on to filter where query2.region||state in 1st query.requion||state.