I have built a portal page with two columns, a cognos navigator to the left and a cognos viewer (report) to the right. The two columns are connected by the same channel name. If I run a report by clicking in the navigator to the left, the report is displayed to the right. But there is a link on the top saying "Back to default entry". Is there a way to remove the text and link? Thank you. :)
i would keep this link back to defult there in the portal as it will reset back to your defult portal report. I have a similar layout with mutiple cognos navigator boxes referencing diff reports with one report showing as defaut. this way users can always use this link to return to defualt report view.
just my opion and hope it helps
Do you always reply "don't do it" when someone ask how?
Anyway if someone has an idea to resolve this, it would be great...