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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: sanchoniathon on 30 Jul 2010 08:31:55 AM

Title: Define Contents - Tuple function not working ?
Post by: sanchoniathon on 30 Jul 2010 08:31:55 AM
Hi To all again,

1- I have this report that is made of a crossTab

2- One of the columns is in fact a Data Item calculating a certain expressions

3- That Data Item works fine, the thing is that it is displaying the result on all of the others lines as well but i only need the result for the FIRST line. So i DEFINE CONTENT for all of the cells i don't want to display that same information.

4- Only, i need to have another calculation on the SECOND LINE for that same column, for this i DEFINE content and decide to "Override Default Text" and then in the SOURCE TYPE propertie, i change it to "Report Expression" for that specific cell.

5- I try to use the TUPLE function but generates an error message. I also cannot see the TUPLE function listed under the FUNCTIONS tab of the "Report Expression" window.

I then tried to put the following expression (1-1) for testing only and this worked as expected and display 0 :
I mean this expression inside the cell i have decide to "DEFINE CONTENT" works, but when i try to use more complex expressions like using the TUPLe function it does not work

Is it normal that the TUPLE function is not supported in this DEFINE CONTENT context ?

Thanks !
Title: Re: Define Contents - Tuple function not working ?
Post by: dlafrance on 30 Jul 2010 01:37:10 PM
depending of what you are doing, you can also try completeTuple to achieve your needs.