When I try to validate several of my reports, I get an error that reads:
"RSV-VAL-0032 The following expression is not valid: [VIEW01].[RECIPROCITY_CHECKED]='Y'. If the item exists in a query but is not referenced in the layout, add it to a property list. CRX-API-0005 An error ocurred at or near the position '0'. The variable named '[VIEW01].[RECIPROCITY_CHECKED]' is invalid."
"[VIEW01].[RECIPROCITY_CHECKED]" is basically a Y/N string boolean and is used to generate an actual boolean condition variable I named "CONDITIONAL_RECIP_CHECKED", which is linked to a conditional block that will only display when the value is TRUE (='Y').
At any rate - I can't for the life of me find this "property list", presupposing that that is the actual problem. Can anyone steer me in the right direction?
Look for a property called "Properties" (no, I'm not joking). This is a property for whatever layout container you are using (list or chart or whatever), so use the ancestor button to navigate to top level of that object.
When you find it, you'll see a list of all the query items for the query associated with the layout. Put a check next to your reciprocity item so that Cognos can reference that item your layout logic even though it does not appear anywhere in the layout.
There is also a "Properties" property for the page which might be the one you need. You would have to associate the query to the page first, then select the Properties property to select your item.
That did it, thank you.
For posterity/searches:
I selected the conditional block first. In the Properties pane on the bottom left, I clicked the ancestor arrow and selected Page (not Page Body); this automatically "selected" the entire report and gave me a new set of Properties. One item was "Query". I selected the query in which my "RECIP_CHECKED" existed in, which is VIEW01. Then I clicked the elipse next to Properties (two items down from "Query"), and placed a checkmark in the RECIP_CHECKED query item.
Once that was done, the report validated with no more errors.
Hi Veronis,
Thanks for the clarity. You saved my time and made it easy since I also had the same error :)
If i have multiple queries on that page which query i have to choose to associate with page ??
Please clarify in detail.
You don't necessarily need to associate any of your queries with the page. You need to ensure that your layout container has the appropriate associations relative what is referenced within the layout via sorting or conditional expressions or what have you. Can you share the details of your situation and the errors or misbehavior you are experiencing?
Just wanted to say Thanks! I just encountered the same issue and this solution worked brilliantly.
Dear All,
I found this thread and thought that I might raise my question here.
It's clear how and when use "property list". But what about cases when I want to use several queries in my layout conditions?
To give you an example: I want to show conditional texts based on the data comparison. Let's say I have sales figures for Europe and sales figures for Americas:
September October
Europe ¦ 1000 2000
Americas ¦ 4000 250
Beside the European chart, I want to show the following text:
(arrow up) Sales went up in October
Beside the American chart, the text would be:
(arrow down) Sales went down in October.
--> The arrow and "up/down" should be dynamic. But in this case, I'm using two different queries --> I cannot find a way to reference them both in page properties :'(
Could you please let me know if there's a way out for my plight? Is there a way to reference multiple queries? Or if the only way is to contrive and create one query with all conditions (but that would be complicated and not at all optimized, because there are 10 conditions to be created based on different filters...)
Why would you use multiple queries for this? Do you have separate fact tables for the month data? If you have the data in a single fact table you could do something like:
Data Item | expression | Aggregation |
Region | [namespace].[dim].[region] | none |
January | case when [Month] = 'January' then [Measure] else 0 end | total |
Feb | case when [Month] = 'February' then [Measure] else 0 end | total |
Mar | case when [Month] = 'March' then [Measure] else 0 end | total |
You could get more complicated and make the conditionals based on the current month, and then make the column names dynamic. But once you have it set up like this, you woulnd't need to worry about joining queries or attaching them to the page.